Established in 1898 by William K. Stalcup, Pioneer Abstract and Title Company
has been an emblem of excellence since its inception. Having existed even before
Otero County’s establishment, when it was still a part of neighboring Dona Ana
and Lincoln Counties, Pioneer is deeply rooted in the region’s history.
Remarkably, despite over 125 years in business, Pioneer Title has only had eight
proprietors, with Jimmy and Tina Deer acquiring ownership in 2014.

Boasting the most experienced staff in Otero County, Pioneer Abstract and Title
Company of Alamogordo, Inc. is the sole title company in the county with a title
plant that dates back to the 19th century. As a result, the firm is uniquely
positioned to offer the most comprehensive abstracts, lien searches, and title
certificates. Our commitment to quality has earned the trust of many nationally
rated underwriters such as Alliant, Chicago, Commonwealth, Fidelity, First
American, First National, Stewart, and WFG. Additionally, Pioneer updates its
physical tract books and on-line database daily, documenting every item recorded
in the Otero County Clerk’s Office, further exemplifying its dedication to providing
timely service. Pioneer again, lead the way as it championed the newest, most
secure, most intelligent Closing Software Platform, Qualia. Pioneer was the first
title company in New Mexico to utilize the state-of-the-art platform, with many
other NM title companies jumping on-board after.

Pioneer also provides Owner Financing management services thru Pioneer Title
and Escrow Services. PTES manages over 1,000 contracts between buyers and
sellers monthly using the latest, most reliable contract management system on
the market today, EDS’s ‘Contract Management’ software., Pioneer Abstract and
Title Company looks forward to continuing its century-long legacy of service
in Otero County.